A good business problem to have
The client’s customer base and order volume had been steadily growing, with all forecasts predicting this to continue.
This was putting the existing customer services department under immense pressure to process the orders.
Orders were submitted by customers using one of the following methods:
Telephone directly to customer services department.
Email drawing of items, with dimensions and notes about specific details (colour, accessory type…)
Fax of the drawing, with hand-written notes.
High volume customers had an expensive 3rd party app installed on their main office computer to create/submit the order.
The ordering process at the time was:
❌ Too slow - customers did not know the price of their orders until entered by customer services.
❌ Too manual
❌ Too error prone - mistakes made when order details being re-keyed onto internal ordering system.
❌ Too time restricted - dependent upon the customer services hours of work.
A new web app was developed which allowed for:
24/7 order submission
Ordering from any computer with a web browser
Instant pricing of order
Secure access with Microsoft Authentication
Project results
✔️ Order volume GROWTH without increase in customer services resources.
✔️ VAST Reduction in the amount of MANUAL order entry by customer services department.
✔️ Near ELIMINATION of order re-keying ERRORS.
✔️ Fax machine RETIRED!
✔️ New SALES ANALYSIS section in the app made possible by having over 90% of the sales coming through the app.
- Azure App Services
- Azure SQL
- ASP.Net Framework
- Hangfire
- SignalR
- C#
- JavaScript
- Vue.js
- Grunt.js