
Mobile apps to Mobilise your workforce

Custom Software Design & Development

App communication to Azure services from behind the corporate firewall

How to connect to Azure Service Bus and Azure Cosmo DB from your work office.

Mobile app communication with on-prem Enterprise Application

Using Azure Service Bus for communicating with an ASP.Net MVC App

Creating an employee self-service mobile app Pt 1

Azure Static Web App authenticated using Entra External ID

Eliminating repitition from the IT department

Enabling users to update application reference data

Online Customer Order Processing Web App

Replacing email, phone and fax orders

Building a web app to maintain database tables

Removing the use of raw SQL as a management tool

Using Web Deploy to get your apps onto IIS

Automating .NET Core app deployment to IIS

A simpler method for displaying reporting data in a web app

SQL ➡️ JSON ➡️ UI (⛔ DTO)

Override LINQ To SQL auto generated association names

How to persist your own meaningful association names